It can be a little irritating to read fiction and not know how the author intended something to be pronounced! Below is a group of words from the Terran Fleet Command Saga that just might fit into that category. Please e-mail me if I've missed any that you would like to see added.
Aeneas: uh – NEE - us
Anubis: uh - NOO - bis
ALAI: AL – ai (second syllable is long i sound)
Babayev: BAH – bah - yev
Baldev: BAL - dev
Banea: buh - NAY - uh
Dryden Beck: DRAI - dun BEK
Maya Beck: MAI - uh BEK
Marko Budarin: MAHR – koh boo – DAH - rin
Cannae: KAN - ai
Zophar Cash: ZOH - far KASH
Castigan Creel: CAS – ti – gun CREEL
Cossack: KOS - ak
Denny Crawley: DEN - ee KRAW - lee
Crion: KRY – on
Karoline Crull: CARE- uh - line KRUHL
Didara: did - AR - ah
Damaran: duh - MAHR - uhn
Ogima Davis: oh - JEE – muh DAY - vis
Vina Dewar: VEE - nuh duh - WAHR
Sagari Dubashi: sah - GAR - ee doo - BAH - shee
Estoria: e - STOH - ree - uh
Ganahar: GAN - uh - har
Gliese: GLEES
Graca: GRAHK - uh
Gresav: GREE - sawv
Gunov: GOO - nov
Gurkha: GURK - uh
Ragini Freyda: ruh – JEE – nee FRAY - duh
Hadeon: HAY - dee - on
Helstaad: HEL - stahd
Miguel: mih - GEHL
Musa Julani: MOO - suh joo - LAW - nee
Karna: KAHR - nuh
Keturah: ket - OO - ruh
Khester: KES - tur
Koori: KOO - ree
Lesheera: le – SHEER - uh
Lisbeth Kistler: LIS - beth KIST - lur
Luyten's: LUHCH - uhnz
Mandaru: MAN – duh - roo
Woorin Miah: WOOR - in MEE - uh
Javir Naftur: jah – VEER NAF - toor
Rugali Naftur: Roo - GAH – lee NAF - toor
Ophiuchi: OF – ee – YOO - kee
Hiroto Oshiro: hee - ROH - toh oh - SHEE - roh
Pelaran: peh - LAHR - uhn
Mateus Rapoza: muh – TAY – uhs ruh – POH - zuh
Rusalov: ROO - suh - lov
Sajeth: SAY - jeth
Naveen Sarafi: nuh - VEEN suh - RAW - fee
Scarsdow: SCARS - dow
Serapion: se – RAP - eeon
Sherpa: SHURP - uh
Shopak: SHOH – pak
Verge Tahiri: VURJ tuh - HEE - ree
Yuli Takkar: YOO - lee tuh – KAHR
Talteca: Tal - TEK - uh
Taphis: TAY – fis
Tartan-Bowe: TAHR – tun BOH
Gerald Tinian: JERR - uhld TIN - ee - un
Nenir Turlaka: nay – NEER toor - LAHK - uh
Ushant: UH - shunt
David Waffer: DEY - vid WAH - fur
Tommy Wildermuth: TOM - ee WIL - dur - mooth
Ditanu Yagani: dit - AW - noo yuh - GAW - nee
Zhelov: ZEE - lov
Dmitri Nikolayevich Zhukov: duh - MEE - tree ni - koh - LAHY - uh - vich ZOO - kov