Terran Fleet Command
Frigate (Ingenuity-class) – named for positive attributes/characteristics
Class includes: TFS Ingenuity, Diligence, and Industrious
Length: 200 meters; Beam: 88 meters; Height: 38 meters
Displacement: 180,000 metric tons
Complement: 97 plus 14 TFC Marines
Aircraft: 4 - 8 Hunter RPSVs
Speed: 1400c (prior to C-Drive integration); Maximum C-Jump Range: 50 LY
Vertical Launch Missile Cells: 64
Armor: 2.5 meters thick, inner hull is 30 cm thick
Forward plasma torpedo tubes: 2 (20% c)
Aft plasma torpedo tubes: 2 (20% c)
Railgun Mounts: 10, bow = 4 (10% c) ; Standard, 50kg penetrator or fragmentation rounds
Destroyer (Theseus-class) – named for mythological figures. Scaled-up version of frigate.
Class includes: TFS Theseus, TFS Karna, TFS Aeneas
Length: 625 meters; Beam: 275 meters; Height: 119 meters
Displacement: 489,000 metric tons
Complement: 278 plus 43 TFC Spec-Ops Marines (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marine_Raider_Regiment)
Aircraft: 24 Hunter RPSVs; 2 Sherpa ASVs; 4 Gurkha Assault ASVs
Speed: 1400c (prior to C-Drive integration); Maximum C-Jump Range: 100 LY
Vertical Launch Missile Cells: 192
Forward plasma torpedo tubes: 5 (30% c)
Aft plasma torpedo tubes: 4 (30% c)
Railgun Mounts: 15, bow = 6 (10% c); Standard, 50kg penetrator or fragmentation rounds
Beam Emitters: 50
Cruiser (Navajo-class) – named for indigenous cultures from the area near their construction facilities
Class includes:
Yucca Mountain Shipyard (Native American cultures): TFS Navajo, TFS Shoshone, TFS Chickasaw, and TFS Shawnee
Pine Gap Shipyard (Australian indigenous cultures): TFS Koori, TFS Palawa, TFS Nunga, and TFS Yapa
Yamantau Mountain Shipyard (Russian indigenous cultures): TFS Scythian, TFS Cossack, TFS Komi, and TFS Sakha
Cruisers are primarily a giant weapons platform built around their huge guns.
Note that TFS Shoshone was the first of the class to climb to orbit, followed by the other three from Yucca Mountain Shipyard on the same day.
Length: 950 meters; Beam: 328 meters; Height: 142 meters
Displacement: 570,000 metric tons
Complement: 496 plus up to 2300 TFC Marines
Aircraft: 48 Hunter RPSVs
Speed: 1400c (prior to C-Drive integration)
Forward plasma torpedo tubes: 8 (30% c)
Aft plasma torpedo tubes: 6 (30% c)
Railgun Mounts: 23 (10% c) Standard, 50kg penetrator or fragmentation rounds
Main Guns: 4 (1 dorsal, 1 ventral mount – 2 x 40m barrels, total mount length = 75m); Projectile: 425kg (typically hardened penetrator only, 10% c speed obviates the need for warhead); Velocity = 30,000 km/s
Beam Emitters: 89
Carrier (Jutland-class) – named for significant naval battles. Similar to cruiser, more rectangular.
Class includes: TFS Jutland, TFS Philippine Sea, TFS Ushant
Length: 1150 meters; Beam: 288 meters; Height: 250 meters
Displacement: 602,000 metric tons
Complement: plus TFC Marines
Aircraft: 192 Hunter RPSVs; 48 F-373 Reaper fighters
Speed: 1400c (prior to C-Drive integration)
Flight Deck Area = 331,200 square meters = 81.84 acres
Hunter RPSVs (remotely piloted space vehicle) – small, remotely piloted (or autonomous/AI controlled) spacecraft used for a variety of missions including antiship/strike, close air support, reconnaissance, and search/rescue operations. Often equipped with eight, HB-7 multimission missiles as well as dorsal/ventral railgun turrets. Hunters are extremely maneuverable and capable of tremendous acceleration to relativistic speeds (.5c). Newer, block 3A versions are also equipped with C-Drives, allowing for tremendous versatility and virtually unlimited range. Relatively inexpensive compared to manned aircraft such as the F-373, Hunters are being manufactured in large numbers.
Maximum C-Jump Range: 25 LY
F-373 Reaper aerospace superiority fighters – advanced, multimission air/spacecraft designed primarily for traditional manned missions. Capable of rapid climb to orbit using their Cannae thrusters, all block two F-373s are to be retrofitted with C-Drives. Although classified as fighters, these spacecraft are quite large and can carry an impressive array of weaponry. Often equipped with up to fourteen, HB-7 multimission missiles (6 internal / 8 on wing pylons) as well as dorsal/ventral railgun turrets. Reapers are extremely maneuverable and capable of tremendous acceleration to relativistic speeds (.5c).
Length = 20m; Wingspan = 15m; Maximum C-Jump Range: 50 LY
Sajeth Collective
Destroyer (Gresav-class) – named for unknown
Class includes: SCS Gresav, SCS Gunov, and the ship designated as “Delta 1” destroyed near Gliese 667 Cc.
Length: 600 meters; Beam: 200 meters; Height: 90 meters; 6 sublight engines
Speed: 1100c
Standard Cruiser (Shopak-class) – named for unknown
Class includes: SCS Shopak, SCS Babayev, several ships destroyed near Jupiter’s orbit by GCS as well as the ship designated as “Charlie 1” destroyed near Gliese 667 Cc.
Length: 750 meters; Beam: 150 meters; Height: 100 meters; 8 sublight engines
Speed: 550c
Battlespace Defense (BD) Cruiser (Keturah-class) – named for unknown
Class includes: SCS Hadeon, SCS Keturah
Length: 750 meters; Beam: 150 meters; Height: 100 meters; 8 sublight engines
Complement: 400 - includes 30 Wek Marines used primarily for security
Speed: 1100c
Battleship (newer Baldev-class) – named for unknown
Class includes: SCS Baldev, SCS Zhelov, SCS Serapion,
Length: 1300 meters; Beam: 350 meters; Height: 225 meters; 12 sublight engines
Complement: 12,000+ - includes 2500 Wek Marine Expeditionary Unit
Speed: 1100c
Battleship (older Rusalov-class) – named for unknown
Class includes: SCS Rusalov
Length: 1250 meters; Beam: 325 meters; Height: 220 meters; 12 sublight engines
Complement: 10,000+ - includes 2500 Wek Marine Expeditionary Unit
Speed: 550c
Main Guns: 6 (3 dorsal mounts); Projectile: 820kg (nuclear tipped); Velocity: 5000 km/s
Beam Emitters: 326 (precise number unknown)
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