Some Release News …


"TFS Theseus" on Audible

The audiobook version of TFS Theseus (book 2) is now available at both and

"TFS Navajo" is Draft-Complete

In other news, "TFS Navajo - The Terran Fleet Command Saga, Book 3" is now officially "draft-complete!" My minimum word count target this go around was 85,000, but the draft manuscript ended up at 91,504 words.  I'll be heads down editing for the next several weeks.  After that, my editor (Monique Happy) will tear into it before it finally makes its way to a few beta readers.   So far, I'm still on schedule for a September 30th release.  As the date gets closer, I'll provide more frequent updates and send out a newsletter or two, so stay tuned!

500 Reviews or Bust!

TFS Ingenuity is a just a few reviews shy of reaching the 500 mark.  If you enjoyed the story and have not yet left a review, I would greatly appreciate your support!